Free Workouts for 11 year olds

Firstly, you’re in the right place. The Strong Youth Collective was designed exactly for you!

Secondly, we think it’s awesome that you want to start working out.

At 11 years old it’s unlikely that you’re able to get a gym membership so here we’ve given you an at-home, no-equipment workout

If you do have access to a gym then you can try the in-gym workout here

  • Workouts for 11 year olds at-home

  • Workouts for 11 year olds to gain muscle

  • Workouts for 11 year olds to lose weight

  • Workouts for 11 year olds to increase fitness

  • Workouts for 11 year olds to get stronger

At-home, no-equipment workout from SYC LIGHT 3 & 5

Read through the workout and click each movement if you’re not sure what it is.

Warm Up

Here’s your warm up. A warm up is absolutely key to any workout and program. Your warm up should promote blood flow to the muscles used in your main workout as well as increase the range of motion of your joints.

Strength Progression

Progressive Overload is key for any program. SYC LIGHT ensures that you get stronger as you complete the program.

Rest: 1:30-2 minutes

Sets: 4

Reps: 8

Coaches notes:

-Chest touches surface at the bottom, straight arms at the top.

-Your body should stay straight the whole time like a plank. If it starts to bend, take some rest before trying again. Squeezing your whole body tightly will help with this.

-Raise hands as instructed.

Sets: 3

Time: 0:30/1:00/1:30

Rest: 1:30-2 minutes

Coaches notes:

-Elbows on the floor.

-Keep your body flat at all times here.

-Squeeze your whole body, especially your abs and butt.

-Keep your legs straight.

-You could video from side on to check your hips aren't too high or low.

Core Work- 5 minute AMRAP

10 reps

Coaches notes:

-Try to keep your legs as straight as you can.

-Lift your upper body off of the floor as much as you can in order to reach your toes.

10 reps

Coaches notes:

-Try to keep your body still and only move your arms to tap your shoulders.

-Keep your tummy and glutes tight.

AMRAP= As Many Reps As Possible

This means in 5 minutes you need to do as many reps as possible of 10 Vertical Leg Crunches and 10 Plank Shoulder Taps.

So complete 10 Vertical Leg Crunches, then 10 Plank Shoulder Taps, then go back to the Vertical Leg Crunches and repeat for 5 minutes.

Try to push yourself here.

WOD- 10 minute AMRAP

8 reps

Coaches notes:

-Bring your chest all the way to the floor every rep on these, but you don't have to do a strict push up where your body stays flat. You can worm up by bringing your chest up and then the rest of your body.

-You can use your feet in a few different ways here. You can step down one foot at a time, or jump both feet back when going down to the floor

-When standing up you can do the same, either bring one foot up and then the other, or jump both feet up at the same time. Or you can come onto one knee and then stand.

-If bringing your chest all the way to floor is too easy then just come into a high plank(where your arms are straight). So you'll start standing tall, then bend down and come into a plank, then stand up tall again.

10 reps

Coaches notes:

-Stay in control here.

-Squeeze your butt.

-Lightly tap your knee on the floor.

-Don't lunge on a tight rope, instead imagine you're on a train track. There's two rails to the track. You want to have your left foot on the left rail and your right foot on the right rail, this will help you perform these properly and maintain your balance.

WOD= Workout Of the Day

This is an AMRAP like the Core Work. Start by completing 8 burpees, then move to the 10 Alternating Forward Lunges. Repeat for 10 minutes.

Cooldown Stretches

And to ease your recovery and improve your mobility, a few stretches to finish your session.

Time: 2:00

Time: 1:00 each side

Time: 2:00

Like this workout?

Get a weeks free trial of SYC LIGHT 3 or 5 here

*No credit card required

*No cancellation necessary

If you have any questions about the workout please ask!

No question is a silly question.

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