If We Could Help You Lose 5-10kg Of Weight In 3 Months, Would You Take That Offer?

The Strong Youth Collective is for young people that want to lose weight and become more confident.

Give me 3 minutes and I’ll tell you exactly why we know how to make you the person you want to be.

And I’ll tell you exactly how you can lose weight and become unrecognisable.

I’ve been working out for 6 years, and coaching for more than 2 years(coaching teens specifically for close to 3!).

And I’m now at the point where:

  • I’ve lost weight, and then gained a TON of muscle (30kg+ of bodyweight)

  • I’m super happy and confident in how my body looks and feels

  • I’ve been to schools to educate young people on how to change their lives through fitness

  • I became The Fittest Teen in the UK in 2022.

  • And I’ve coached 100s of people from every age, background and gender to reach their goals.

Now, I only mention these credentials so you understand that you aren’t learning from some 19 year old that got into fitness a year ago and his mum thinks he’s the next Joe Wicks…

You’re learning from someone who is experienced and qualified to help teenagers just like you.

But let me take you back to 2016….

Because it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, not at all.

This is me when I was about 12 years old, just starting secondary/high school.

I was chubby, insecure, socially anxious and REALLY wanting to change how I looked.

There was actually a mirror outside of my room, that I would spend ages looking in, almost as if I was trying to look away my fat.


Because I didn’t know how to get rid of it!

And this frustrated me for YEARS.

And for those years I was never confident with my t-shirt off. Never.

Can you relate??

I wanted to lose weight so desperately, but I just didn’t know how.

And those years of social anxiety still affect me to this day, and I think, “if only I had known what to do earlier”. Or had someone in my corner to tell me what to do and how to do it.

So, what changed to get me from this insecure young boy, to who I am today?


And it took a lot of work.

Because there is no fitness secret.

No secret exercise, machine, diet or workout.

Instead, what it takes is:

  • Consistency

  • Some nutrition knowledge

  • A precisely planned workout program using scientific principles

  • And support from people who have done it before

And months of hard work applying all of these things.

This is what I did, and this is what 1000s of other teenagers just like you have done.

If they can do it, so can you.

I’m not saying you’re going to have washboard abs or the hourglass figure you dream of.

Because although it’s possible, it takes a lot of work.

But, I’ve seen people who had absolutely zero self-confidence and truly no hope of ever getting in the shape that they want to be in, GET IN THE KIND OF SHAPE THEY COULDN’T DREAM OF.

I mean, they literally had limited themselves and what they could be to the person they were.

They thought that because they were overweight then, that they would always be overweight, or always have a bit of chubbiness.

And to be truthful, I thought the same way. But now after losing 10kg+ and then gaining 30kg+(in muscle, with a bit of height), and coaching other teenagers to do the same. I know what is possible.

And I want to help even more young people do the same.

And THAT’S what we do at The Strong Youth Collective.

We help young people become who they want to be, especially when they don’t think they can get there.

Here are some wins from inside The SYC:

Unlike most “fitness experts”, we don’t teach some “secret” system that will make you instantly reach your goal.

We simply give you everything you need to succeed, and then the support and accountability to use everything we give you.

And we know this works, because we’ve done it and we’ve taught others to do it as well!

It’s a tried and true method, NOT a secret.

It’s a science-backed and youth-focused program, NOT some fancy AI app.

It’s a community with support from like-minded individuals and experienced coaches.

Here what’s included in your membership:

A Program suited for your Goals

Science-backed, carefully planned and programmed workouts that use principles of progressive overload, periodisation and metabolite techniques, that are tested and proven to work. SYC BUILD is our in-gym, bodybuilding focused program, SYC LIGHT is our at-home, no equipment program.

A Community like no other

Our mission with our community group is to create an unmatched environment of support, motivation and coaching that GUARENTEES you succeed in your workouts.

Nutrition Resources, Technique Videos and 305 Meal Recipes

In our Classroom we provide you with all the information that you could need to reach your goal, from technique videos covering the key points of an exercise, to the Know You Food course from our in-house nutritionist, Nutrition by Niks.

Members Weekly Q&A and Hangout

An opportunity to hangout, chat and ask questions to your coaches about absolutely anything you can think of!

Access to our Certified and Experienced Youth Coaches

With all the information, knowledge and experience that you could ever need, your coaches at your finger tips whenever you need them, whether that’s 1-2-1 messaging with them, or on our Members Weekly Q&A Hangout.

The Strong Youth Collective was literally designed FOR YOU.

It has EVERYTHING that you’ll ever need to succeed in your fitness and life goals.

Joining The Strong Youth Collective is the first step to becoming the person you dream to be.

So, that’s The Strong Youth Collective. With all of this taken into consideration, you must be wondering the final piece of the puzzle?!

What’s the price?

We know that you’re young and don’t have a lot of money.

Because we were in your shoes not long ago, but we desperately needed help, just like you do.

So our membership is £19/$24/month. That’s it. And you can cancel anytime.

For less than half the price of an hour of Personal Training, you get everything you’ll need for the rest of your life.

It’s a no-brainer.

We’ll see you in there.

The Fittest Teen in the UK 2022

Ranked 18th Worldwide

CrossFit Level 1 Coach

Brand-X Professional Youth Coach

Ben’s Story

Playing sports from a young age, fitness and exercises has always been a part of my life. Despite this I was insecure about my body and how I looked, so when I was 13 I decided to make a change. After losing some weight I wanted to put on muscle so I start working out at home, doing bodyweight workouts until eventually I bought some dumbbells. I soon discovered CrossFit which I fell head over heels for and I’ve been training CrossFit since 2019. I found a passion for competing in it and become the Fittest Teen in the UK in 2022, winning The British Teen Championships and placing 2nd at The European Championships. I have coached adults and youth for over two years, being a CrossFit and Brand X Professional Youth Coach. I now aim to take my personal and coaching experience to a larger scale and focus on helping young people.



Coach Lily Lambert

Brand-X Professional Youth Coach

Regional Level Swimmer

Glasgow School of Sport

Lily’s Story

I was a competitive swimmer from ages 9-17, so exercise has always been a big part of my life. When my swimming journey came to a close during COVID-19 I missed exercising so much and felt a huge gap in my life. I then started to work out in my garden/garage with no equipment. I started to notice big changes in my fitness and physique and was really enjoying this way of workout out. I was terrified of my local gym because I didn’t really know what I was doing. Fast forward 4 years and I have found a way of working out which I love (a mix of cardio, weightlifting and gymnastics). I find it a privilege to be able to exercise and want to help other young people get to this point, giving them guidance and advice to navigate this journey of exercise for themselves.



Our unique at-home, no-equipment program. SYC LIGHT uses bodyweight exercises to build strength and fitness. The perfect program if you are:

-Anxious about going to the gym

-Wanting to improve your sports performance

-Can’t afford a gym membership

-A beginner looking to start exercising

-Prefer to workout at home

-Wanting to lose weight


Our staple in-gym, bodybuilding program. SYC BUILD uses weightlifting exercises to increase muscle mass and strength. The perfect program if you are:

-A beginner wanting to start going to the gym(3 days a week)

-An experienced gym-goer that wants to maximise their gains(3 or 5 days a week)

-Wanting to increase your muscle mass(get bigger) or improve muscle tone

-Wanting to get stronger

-Wanting to lose weight


  • Our programs are online which means you can complete them from anywhere you like. SYC BUILD requires gym access whereas SYC LIGHT can be completed absolutely anywhere, with no equipment.

  • Both our programs have a 3 or 5 day a week option catering for all goals, abilities and time commitments.

  • Our programs are designed by Head Coach of The Strong Youth Collective and Brand-X Professional Youth Coach Ben Cole.

  • Yes, both our programs provide you with a full warm up as well as cooldown stretches.

  • We want to make fitness accessible to all so both our programs have movement options to allow for all ability levels, so there is nothing to fear.

    You can also message our coaches or ask in the community group if you’re in any doubt of any movements.

  • Every single exercise has a video demonstrating it and coaches key points. And if you’re still not sure you can ask a coach or the community group.

  • If you’re not sure which programs would suit you best, please feel free to contact us and we can help you decide.

    But you can still switch between programs at any time if you decide it’s not right for you.

  • On The SYC Training App



With a full-body workout 3 days a week we ensure that you are training every muscle group with enough frequency each week(2+).

For those that are busy but still want to build muscle and gain strength in the gym, the 3 day a week program is ideal for you.

The program design and progressive overload maximises your progress and time.

If you are too young to use free-weights at your gym then this program allows for that with machine options for all movements.


SYC BUILD 5 is precisely designed to maximise your gym progress.

This program is intended for those that are enthusiastic and determined to put on muscle, or lose weight.

Volume and intensity is controlled each mesocycle(month) to ensure progressive overload and safety, this means that beginners can start with this program if they have the drive and discipline to stick to the 5 day a week commitment.

SYC BUILD 5 follows this split each week







SYC LIGHT is a one-of-a-kind program. Head Coach Ben has combined all his knowledge and skill into creating an at-home, no equipment program like no other. The variation and accessibility of this program is unmatched.

SYC LIGHT 3 includes 3, 1 hour workouts a week. It uses bodyweight exercise techniques to increase strength and fitness. Every single day on SYC LIGHT is different, making working out at-home fun and enjoyable.

SYC LIGHT 5 includes 3, 1 hour workouts a week and 2 running sessions a week. If you struggle getting to the gym for any reason but you still want to work hard and make amazing progress then SYC LIGHT 5 is the program for you.

The SYC Training App